There’s no learning experience quite like higher education. Attending college is often a joyous and anxiety-ridden time in your life. For the first time in many young adult lives, they are finally moving out of their family home and stepping out into the world as an adult. As you enter the world of adulthood, you must accept the responsibilities of an adult as well. As many of us know, college life is filled with learning experiences, both good and bad. College students are human, and they make mistakes just like anyone else. However, when these mistakes involve breaking the law, they might not know who to turn to for help. Roselle and Breitigam have years of experience representing students who find themselves in difficult situations regarding the law. Today we would like to discuss some of the most common criminal offenses we see with students.

As we all know, the legal drinking age is 21, but a significant number of college students engage in underage drinking. House parties are quite common among college students, which are often broken up by the police. At this time, it’s considered the norm for cops to issue MIP (minor in possession) tickets to underage drinkers. Our Fort Collins defense attorneys can help students possessing MIP tickets.
Underage drinking isn’t the only problem with college drinking. Quite a few students have found themselves behind the wheel after consuming several alcoholic beverages. Both Jerry Roselle and William Breitigam are former prosecutors, giving us a specialized understanding of the entire DUI law process. As defense attorneys, we try to work with the prosecutor to avoid overly harsh penalties and they diligently prepare their legal strategies. By handling every single aspect of your DUI charge, we can help you get back on your feet and move on with your life as soon as possible. By confronting every detail of the government’s evidence, we will ensure that your Constitutional rights are upheld.
When university students drink too much too quickly, their behavior can quickly escalate out of control, resulting in fights. Bar fights are inevitable in college towns, and students may find themselves in serious legal trouble. Assault charges are serious and could prevent students from obtaining certain job opportunities in the future. Therefore, it’s important to find the best legal representation in order to move on with your life without suffering from overly severe consequences. We understand that everyone makes mistakes, and a large number of college students charged with assault have never previously faced the criminal justice system. At Roselle and Breitigam, we’re here to help you through this challenging time.
These are just a few examples of the criminal offenses we encounter with our clients at our Fort Collins defense attorney office. We also represent students facing charges such as shoplifting, petty theft, traffic violations, and resisting arrest. Although most student crimes fall into the category of the petty offense or misdemeanor, they still could face stringent penalties. Contact Roselle and Breitigam today for your criminal defense needs.